Mar 30, 2009

End of the Month's Phobia

I don't know if it's different work-culture between Indonesia and other country. Here, we always had our salary in the first day of the month. After it reduced by taxes, bills, debts and contingency fees, we receive paycheck for our time, loyalty, support and tartness..

Usually it won't wait till the end of the month when fund ran dry. Sometimes, if we firm enough to tighten expends, try hard to be patient, and eat with unpretentious menu, we could hold out up to 25th day of the month approximately. But it rarely happen, cause in the middle of the month..everything was finished. Henceforth, we filled out day by day with do these things:
1. Cantering for debt to our close friends.
2. Always go to meet parent-in-law for extra food.
3. Bringing down a visiting habit to neighbor, cause we usually can not restrain to buy something when merchant-men passing through (example: bakso, siomay, ketoprak, tell me all about Indonesian junk food).
4. Rent a DVD, I mean a good movie so we can stay at home for recreation than go to the mall.
5. Keep blogging, cause it can reduce wrath on our heart.

I don't know with you, guys. Wanna share?

my signature


the_young_dude said...

"Always go to meet parent-in-law for extra food.".. that's a good one!

~Sheila~ said...

Don't worry so much. That reduces wrath on your heart too.

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