Mar 14, 2009

Feedback! I Need One!

The first time I started a blog, I was very excited about it and couldn’t wait to tell one of my workmates all about blogging and it’s benefit. I encouraged them to start one too. Blog seemed like the perfect venue for those of us who like to make things out of words.

What’s their response? They thought blogs were just a way for geeks, desperate teenagers who write whatever they think, a person with no job, and so on. And they ask me back ‘Why you blogging anyway, and write in English? C’mon..’.

Since that, I was horrified by the fact that anyone with an internet connection could read my writing. In fact, my desire to get past thet fear was one of the reasons I started the blog you’ve reading now. But actually, I don’t know exactly how blog can help me succeed in my personal goal. And since I continued what I’ve been doing this week, my curiosity become larger and larger. The truth is that in the early days of blog, there were a lot of resources for learning English. Even today, it’s easy to find a truly good English blog, such as Judy and Pavlina. I could say that every piece of writing I produce is practice for the next piece.

I’m using this blog as a vehicle for creative writing, and I think much about how others blog have affected my writing. For that purpose, I use this blog specifically to get feedback from readers.

So, what’s your feedback about this blog, readers?

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