‘The first draft of anything is shit’ that’s Ernest Hemingway famously said once. Every time I started write for this blog, I’d play my finger on keyboard and try to distribute what I’m thinking in that moment. I’d write my minimum up to 4 sentences requirement, and usually, staying inside the lines and squeezing every word with a lot of questions beyond my head. Is this true? What about this one? How should I spell this word? Etc, etc. If I satisfy, I wouldn’t go back on a way to add some spices to a sentence. I’m afraid it just make it all awkward. Otherwise, I had to at least begin the next group of sentences.
I wish, by that method, I manage to produce quite a lot of sentences enough to be published.
Have it flow, once said. Yes, I have to give myself permission to make mistakes, because, I believe, writing isn’t linear process, even though we read in a linear way through pages/posts. Hmm, is that make sense to you, readers?
Huffh..on this Sunday, I feel relax, physically and mentally.
Happy weekend everybody!

This is a really nice blog. I think you write very well. -Paula
Hello. Since you asked for help. I can immediately see that you need to work on English Grammar for Tense(s), as many of our words are plural even without an added suffix. English is considered one of the most difficult to learn, but you are well on your way to gaining a full grasp of our language. A tutor would also be helpful because you would have someone with whom you could practice and ask questions as to the rules of grammar. Hope this has helped you. Great day.
P.S. I would invite you to go over my blog and read about five of my stories and perhaps you will understand the gist of word placement as examples of writing.
Hey Theresa! You have a great blog. I enjoy it very much, and it seems could take me to the advance level of writing English.
I love your writing, the story was...emm what should I say it..good? No! Excelent I think!
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