It was a hard week actually. Start with Monday till Friday that I with all comrades had fought with chaotic circumstances, little confuse..but it paid off after all. CRBOM is the starting point to what it's all about. It's an agency which established by Ministry of Public Works, Indonesia, as a member of the Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF) network of regional water knowledge hubs. As a plan, it held in Solo City during five days but the core of the agenda was held on Tuesday, April 28th, which a formal ceremony of CRBOM consisted.
Unfortunately, the Minister did not show up so Mr. Iwan Nursyirwan who is a Director General of Water Resources hit the gong loudly. Congratulations!
We would thank to Mr. Wouter and all ADB's coleagues, all participants-especially from Viet Nam, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Korea, Philippine and Afghanistan (sorry if I've missed one..). Also for delegation of donor countries such are Netherland and Japan. We appreciate and hope this brief companionship of brotherhood would continue, as well as our spirit to share knowledge about water resources in the region, and surely it could possibly make this world better.
After a long long presentation from each envoys, and tight discussion between others, three days is like a prosaic-monotonous time for all of committees. The committees are from Balai Sungai Solo, BBWS Bengawan Solo and Jasa Tirta. In Balai Sungai itself, there are almost 40 persons who came up and support the event. We actually were the ideal combination of old-young generation. The wisdom of the old with the youth spirit have made precious experience, as it was our first time to organize such kind of event, and fiuh..we made it up!
As in a schedule, Thursday was a Field Trip program. We would visit Flood Warning System in Solo, Colo Weir and Gajah Mungkur Dam in Wonogiri, Underground River in Wonosari, Sandsoil Irrigation System in Samas Beach and well..watching Sendratari Ramayana in Prambanan, Yogyakarta. The last one was not a study visit I guess, may I say that it was a cooling down agenda? :D
First, we visit Flood Warning System..
Then visiting Colo Weir..
Uups, where is the weir in the last pic? Oh, I afraid that's just for fulfill our narcissism desirability (what an amusing reason!). You see, I'm wearing hat and squat in the middle with handy cam. There is Mr. Wouter in left side and some Philippine's participant, and of course the committees with the red id card!
After a half and a hour journey, we landed on Gajah Mungkur Dam in Wonogiri, one of the biggest dam in Indonesia.
From the giant Dam, we spin around Wonogiri through mountainous area and would to see an unusual river in Wonosari. The river was flow about 1oo meters below and we must go down by elevator (exactly it was a heavy steel cage hanged by a couple of cabels..and it takes 5 minutes to go down. How frightening!).
Where were we go next? I think this was enough and I'll post it in the next chapter..
See you.
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