Whatever it looks like, job is a job, something which could makes us visible by others. A simple job can not be compared with an important job that we can't enjoy it. I'd like to share my experience about how to tolerate with 'cover-judgment'. I was once a band player. I played drum with my first band that called 'biscuit'. It's a grunge band. We have played for almost all of the Nirvana's songs. Every time we showed off, noisiness and kind of spasmodic sounds tailed after, and always make a quite opening stage to become a chaotic one. We naturally enjoy those moments just because we did not give a care to what other said about our music or how we played. For me it's a wonderful time. I've not presume to be an idol just because I'm not a leader, I'm just a skinny drummer who stuck in a big cold drums. But slowly it makes me understand that a little job can harmonized a complete task. Yea, a great music is no longer great if there is no great drummer. Haha, at least that's what I'm thinking. I acted like a most important man on the band and played as good as I can. Honestly, I thought that biscuit was the best grunge band ever!

More messiness means more success: that's our slogan at that moment. And the result is really nuts! We've become more popular and people started to play music just like we did, make a stage's style like we did, and even wear a costume just what we did (not all of it if you think so, not for underwear!). For almost two years we did it, we've sailed through a massive alteration in this city and no one would expect that our music was no longer heard. And all of it started with this feeling: bored. Since that, we played with no excitement, passion or significant motivation which brought this band to meet its dead...
Bore makes our consciousness sneak off. We will try hardly to search other options which more passionate and use them to kill its feeling. As long as we can not fight to reduce the vacillations, we would still fetched up.
I hope I don't meet that feeling.
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