It goes without saying though that-and seems everyone would too-I am more likely to enjoy my work and get the kind of success I want, more easily, if I just putting my natural talents to work. My problem then was that, like most spirited employee, I could actually do almost anything I turned my hand to. The problem was not in having few choices, it lay in having too many; what I lacked was a clear focus on expressing my own core talents. The moral of the intermezzo is clear but it does throw back the question: How do I find out what my talents are?

There are certain things that you can do or that you can learn to do that can make you extraordinarily valuable to yourself and to others. Your job is to identify your special area of uniqueness and then commit yourself to becoming very, very good in those areas. (Brian Tracy)
What a great quote! Write on your notes if you like, hurry! :D
And now I stunned when I remember a straight simple question, but I make this most important: What do you do easily and well that is difficult for other people? It's amazing to know that I could write a list in just a minutes! Because it's easy. This is some examples of my list:
- I can draw easily
- I love to read, can read very fast and take in information quickly that way
- I can play various of music instrument (guitar, bass and drums)
- I'm exiting while playing with children
- I have great visual sense of style and creativity
- I often addicted to make mistakes, cause it can open other possibilities
- I can write blog in English!
The interesting thing is that I don't regard any of those as special talents. I thought those are simple for everyone in this modern age. But then I've noticed that when I'm working in a team with people who can't draw, slow readers, creepy with children, not know how to play guitar, and wonder 'how could you write in English? How much did you pay a translator?', amazingly they become real talents.
Otherwise, when I meet people who can express themselves verbally, speak easily as they want to and act naturally in any condition, I am in awe because I have to work really hard at it.
Well, God does not play dice with the universe (Einstein). He took a special ability for each of us to complete each others, so we can make harmonize this world to a better world. I hope so.
pic source: here